Kyle Wettlin


Web Developer and Designer.
Video Game Developer and Designer.

Kyle Wettlin


Project 1 Screenshot

Album Collector

A local app to help keep track of your favorite albums. You can search Spotify's API to find any album, add it to your collection, and rate it. Currently only runs on MacOS, but a web-based version is in development.

C++ Makefile Spotify API
Puzzle Generator Screenshot

Local Puzzle Builder

A web-based tool for creating custom word search puzzles, crosswords, and other puzzle types. Built with modern web technologies, it allows users to generate, save, and print puzzles directly from their browser.

JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 LocalStorage
Gambler's Gauntlet Screenshot

Gamblers' Gauntlet

A 2D Roguelike dungeon crawler that combines traditional gambling games with action gameplay. Players navigate through procedurally generated dungeons while engaging in various gambling mechanics to progress.

Godot GDScript Asperite
CSCE 242 Screenshot

CSCE 242 Website

A constantly updated webpage that showcases my work from my webpage design course.

HTML CSS Javascript


Game Development

Unity Godot C# Game Design Level Design

Web Development

HTML CSS JavaScript React


2D Art 3D Modeling UI/UX

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